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1 Základní Pitch

Náš projekt se jmenuje Worldee.com - Travel Marketplace (STANDUP) a je ve stádiu Running business ?. Geografická oblast naší působnosti je Evropa ?. A travel marketplace that offers Unique trips, Solo travel options, Small group travel options, Convenience, and Affordable prices.

Our marketplace improves travel by minimizing barriers, lowering friction, and providing convenient services. That makes you experience all the good feelings of solo travel, alone or in a small group. Worldee is a travel marketplace that offers Unique trips, Solo travel options, Small group travel options, Convenience, and Affordable prices. The platform handles bookings, payments, legal compliance, customer care, and sales support for sellers. Products are Self-guided trips without booking, Self-guided trips with booking, Group trips with the trip creator, and Personalized trips with the trip creator.

2 Vize, cíle a čísla

Podnikatelský záměr: ?
On our platform, we charge a fee for our services like any marketplace. We as a platform ensure the legal side of things, high-quality service, and help with booking flights, on-site experiences, accommodation, or even car rentals.

Dlouhodobé cíle: ?
Our overarching vision is to establish the most extensive and comprehensive travel marketplace on a global scale, revolutionizing the way people buy and sell tours. This innovative platform seeks to facilitate a seamless connection between travelers and tour providers, empowering individuals to not only discover but also purchase unique and diverse experiences from various corners of the world.

By creating a vibrant and diverse travel community, our goal is to foster cultural exchange, promote

Persona: ?
65% of our customers are women because we take a lot of their fears out of travel. 67% of our customers are between the ages of 25 and 34. 70% of our customers say they are looking for a hassle-free experience and that is more important to them than price. Of course, we have other statistics and data about our customers that we can discuss individually.

Přímá konkurence: ?
WeRoad, TripLegend, FlashPack

Nepřímá konkurence: ?
Bubo, Journi, Polarsteps
Celkem společníků ?


Celkem členů týmu ?


Placených členů týmu ?


Zaměstnanců ?


Datum ROI ?


Bod zvratu ?



0 EUR (€)

Již investováno ?

1850000 EUR (€)

3 Investice

Zpráva pro investory:

In short, we are looking for investors who can offer more than just money. We are looking for partners who can help us grow and develop our business, and who share our vision for success. If you believe that you have the expertise and knowledge that we need, we would be delighted to explore the possibility of working together.

Co od investora očekáváme?:

As we want investors to help us grow and develop our business, we have a few key expectations in mind. While we appreciate the importance of financial support, we are also looking for investors who can offer more than just capital. In particular, we are looking for investors who can bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the table, as well as provide us with valuable advice and guidance.

Jaké jsou závazky vůči členům týmu?



Nabízíme podíl

3 000 000 EUR (€)

Nabízíme podíl

4 Majetková struktura, kontakty

Celkem má projekt vlastníků: 5 ( Tomáš Nakládal, Tomáš Zapletal, Josef Průša, Ondřej Průša ).
S majiteli a týmem se můžete spojit také napřímo (e-maily, telefony, kontaktní adresy, sociální sítě).

Kontakt na majitele:
Tomáš Zapletal, CEO, tomas@worldee.com, https://www.linkedin.com/in/tom%C3%A1%C5%A1-zapletal/ Tomáš Nakládal, COO, tomas.nakladal@worldee.com, https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomasnakladal/

Další důležité kontakty na členy týmu:
Tomáš Zapletal, CEO, tomas@worldee.com, https://www.linkedin.com/in/tom%C3%A1%C5%A1-zapletal/ Tomáš Nakládal, COO, tomas.nakladal@worldee.com, https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomasnakladal/

5 Přílohy ke stažení

URL adresy

Projekt má k dispozici webové stránky, které naleznete na níže uvedených adresách.

Dokumenty ke stažení

Dokumenty jsou komprimovány formátem .zip a jsou z důvodu ochrany citlivých údajů zaheslovány.

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